Me-Fit Sachet

Me-Fit Sachet contains grounded Flax seeds, one serving provide good amount of Protein, Fiber, Omega-3, Fatty Acids, Vitamin and Minerals.

Flaxseed are rich in Fiber. When you Eat, it gives feeling of fullness for longer time and suppress the Desire to Eat. Additionally, digestive tract is stimulated as well.

Flax seeds contain lignans and anti- oxidants that help in the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles of the face. Flax seeds help in keeping the skin moisturised and smooth.
Several studies have shown the beneficial cardiovascular effects of Flax seed. This Includes anti- hypertensive Lowering of Cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory Action. Fiber in flax seed help to promote gut health. It also help to prevent insulin resistence leading to better sugar control

Flax seeds are rich in lignans which are plant compounds studied for their positive benefits as cancer fighting ingredients. some studies have shown lowers risk of breast cancer in post menopausal women.